Reject Trump Republican MAGA fascism. Thousands more anti-Trump cartoons at Therapy Dog Tails for only $5 a month on reader...
Either exhibiting his own psychosis or covering for his former boss patient Steve B spins a tale as unbelievable as...
Reject Trump Republican MAGA fascism. The use of repetition in behavior modification has been known to psychologists for decades. Marketers,...
Reject Trump Republican MAGA fascism. Confused as much about his current job as the history of his race and boss...
Reject Trump Republican MAGA fascism. Excerpts from Therapy Dog’s Session Notes: When we attempt to indoctrinate children out of ignorance...
Reject Trump Republican MAGA fascism. Stating the opposite of the truth to be the truth is a time honored technique...
Reject Trump Republican MAGA fascism. Hour after hour in front of television sets leaves patient Donald T’s egocentric imagination filled...
Reject Trump Republican MAGA fascism. Patient Steve B comes up with the sort of delusion that brought his boss to...
Reject Trump Republican MAGA fascism. Political PR spinster patient Kellyanne C has no doubt in the power of the fake...
Reject Trump Republican MAGA fascism. Escaped Indiana in the nick of time. Sees Trump as savior of lost political career...
Reject Trump Republican MAGA fascism. Delusions of grandeur affect patient’s ability to perceive reality. Sees world as reflection of self. ...