Either exhibiting his own psychosis or covering for his former boss patient Steve B spins a tale as unbelievable as any Nazi propaganda. / The destruction of freedom and democracy requires actions like that of patient Steve B discredit the outward actions of fascist American actors. / Who among us doesn’t worry about paying the bills before anything? So it is with patients such as this former political mover Steve B. / Former mover and shaker finds himself looking to justify an oversized ego the result of being rewarded only for the ego gratification of a narcissist. / Playing the cheeseburger card in the current turbulent political environment patient Steve B sees a way to keep himself relevant. / Political prankster patient Steve B revels in any anarchic absurdity that will keep anyone following looking for meaning in the meaningless. / In his quest to destroy everything that came before psychotic patient Steve B prefers lunacy to intelligence and reason in governance. / Fantasizing about being a “mover and shaker” psychotic patient Steve B imagines that he can control the federal government all by himself.